About Tikahtnu

Tikahtnu Commons is owned and operated by North Anchorage Real Estate Investors LLC, a partnership between Cook Inlet Region, Inc. (CIRI) and Browman Development Company, Inc. The first retail outlets at Tikahtnu Commons opened in 2008. Since then, the site has grown to 900,000 square feet of retail, dining and entertainment opportunities for customers in Southcentral Alaska.
Cook Inlet Region, Inc.
Proudly owned by more than 8,800 Alaska Native shareholders, CIRI is one of a dozen Native regional corporations created by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971. Today, CIRI is recognized as a model of success, with business interests across Alaska and around the world. Every decision made is guided by its reason for being: to provide economic, social and cultural benefits to current and future generations of shareholders.
Browman Development Company, Inc.
Browman Development Company is a long-term owner and builder of beautiful, architecturally detailed, high quality retail centers leased by best-in-class retailers. Currently, the company owns and manages more than four million square feet of retail space.
For leasing opportunities at Tikahtnu Commons, please contact:
Browman Development Company
1556 Parkside Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone: 925-588-2222
[email protected]